Back to School

Mitigating the Impact of Back-to-School Anxiety: The Role of Chiropractic Care for Students and Parents

With summer’s hiatus wrapping up, the return to academic rigors can elicit a flurry of emotions ranging from exhilaration to apprehension for both students and parents. The shift from leisurely summer days to the stringent schedules of school can spark stress and anxiety. This article delineates the multifaceted benefits of chiropractic care as a tool to alleviate back-to-school stress for all family members. Chiropractic care can help optimize physical health and bolster mental resilience during this challenging transition.

Talking Point 1: Sustaining Spinal Health and Upholding Posture

The commencement of the school year frequently ushers in the burden of heavy backpacks and extended classroom hours for students. Extended periods of sitting and poor posture can put undue strain on the spine, potentially leading to discomfort and longer-term issues1. Chiropractic care plays a pivotal role in preserving spinal health and encouraging good posture2. Through specialized chiropractic adjustments, practitioners can address potential joint dysfunctions or subluxations in the spine. Rather than ‘realigning’ vertebrae, these adjustments aim to enhance joint mobility and nervous system functioning3.

By amplifying joint mobility, chiropractic adjustments can alleviate nerve and muscle pressure, diminishing the likelihood of back, neck, and shoulder pain. Furthermore, chiropractors provide personalized guidance on ergonomics and posture, empowering students to maintain correct alignment during day-to-day activities, such as carrying backpacks and computer usage4.

Alleviating Stress and Bolstering Mental Resilience

The return to school can be a period fraught with stress for both students and parents due to academic pressures and new routine adaptations. Chiropractic care adopts a holistic approach to stress alleviation and mental resilience. Particularly, chiropractic adjustments to the upper cervical spine can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby inciting the body’s relaxation response5. This approach can diminish tension and enhance sleep quality, equipping students and parents with improved stress management strategies.

Amplifying Immune Function

Back-to-school implies students will be exposed to an array of germs in the classroom environment. Chiropractic care can bolster a robust immune system by enhancing nervous system communication. Chiropractic adjustments may rectify subluxations that could impede this communication, augmenting the body’s capacity to identify and ward off infections6. An efficient immune system enables students to counter common illnesses more effectively and expedite recovery in case of illness.

Talking Point 4: Augmenting Focus and Cognitive Performance

Academic success hinges on a student’s ability to maintain focus and cognitive performance. Chiropractic care has demonstrated potential positive impacts on nervous system function, which can bolster cognitive skills and attention span7. The goal of chiropractic adjustments is to amplify nerve impulse flow and optimize brain function. Consequently, students undergoing regular chiropractic care may observe improvements in concentration, memory, and mental clarity, supporting academic excellence and optimum performance8.

As the back-to-school season looms, prioritizing chiropractic care can make a significant difference in stress management, physical health enhancement, and overall well-being for both students and parents. With a balanced spine and mind, students are well-equipped to embark on a successful academic journey while parents can support their children’s development with assurance and ease.

Reach us at 561-705-1085 or schedule your appointment online to explore how chiropractic care can offer support to your family during this exciting yet challenging period.


Spinal health: a spinal functional model. Russell B. ↩

Chiropractic and ergonomics. Alcantara J, Plaugher G, Klemp DD, Salem C. ↩

Effects of chiropractic care on dizziness, neck pain, and balance: a single-group, preexperimental, feasibility study. Peterson K, Humphreys BK. ↩

Effects of backpack carriage on gait parameters in healthy older adults. Goh JH, Thambyah A, Bose K. ↩

Neurophysiological effects of spinal manipulation. Pickar JG. ↩

Manipulative therapy and immune response: a literature review. Cerritelli F, Verzella M, Cicchitti L, D’Alessandro G, Vanacore N. ↩

Potential cortical and subcortical neurometabolic effects following a single upper cervical chiropractic adjustment: a case report and introduction of a novel imaging methodology. Ogura T, Watanuki S, Shimizu Y, Suzuki K, Fukuda K, Masuda Y, Takahashi M, Mochizuki M, Watanabe Y. ↩

Effect of chiropractic treatment on primary or early secondary prevention: a systematic review with a pedagogic approach. Goncalves G, Le Scanff C, Leboeuf-Yde C. ↩

At Sipe Sport and Spine, we provide a comprehensive range of treatment options that can help you live the life you deserve. Dr. Matthew Sipe is your trusted source for pain relief and holistic care. Schedule an appointment today!